Book Title: The Test of Gold
Series: Hearts of Gold, Book 1
Author: Renee Yancy
Publication Date: 15 March 2021
Publisher: Vinspire Publishing
Page Length: 335 pages
Genre: Historical Romance
Raised in the shadow of a mother who defied convention, but won’t allow her own daughter the right to make the same choices, heiress Evangeline Lindenmayer has been groomed since childhood to marry into the British aristocracy.
When Lindy challenges her mother’s long-laid plans by falling in love with a poor seminary student, the explosion is bigger than the Brooklyn Bridge fireworks on Independence Day.
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Someone tapped her shoulder.
“Good evening, Miss Lindenmayer,” said a deep voice.
A shiver went through her as she turned to find Jack Winthrop bowing to her, in evening dress of black tails and white tie.
“Why, Mr. Winthrop!” The phrase from the opera H.M.S. Pinafore popped into her head. Be still, my beating heart!
“You are surprised to see me?”
Oh, surprised and happy. “Indeed, I am.” In the space of a moment, her heartbeat doubled.
“I don’t normally come to these affairs, as I’m sure you know.”
He smiled down at her, and suddenly the room seemed quite warm. Lindy opened her fan to cool her cheeks. “What are you doing here?” Can he see my heart beating out of my chest?
“I wangled an invitation.” He smiled at her, and the dimple in his cheek appeared. “I hoped you were going to be here tonight.”
Her fan waved harder, keeping tempo with her rising pulse.
“And I hope this won’t be unwelcome, but—I must tell you that you are so beautiful tonight it quite takes my breath away.”
Darts of silvery happiness streamed through her. She bowed her head, her cheeks flushing. This wasn’t the first time she had heard such a compliment. But it’s the first time I’ve cared about who was saying it.

Renee Yancy is a history and archaeology nut who writes the kind of historical fiction she loves to read – stories filled with historical detail that immerse you in another place and time. When she isn't writing historical fiction or traveling to see the places her characters have lived, she can be found in the wilds of Kentucky with her husband and two rescue mutts named Ellie and Charlie.